Last night, we went to the Houston Zoo, compliments of Chuck’s work. We had a fantastic time despite it being too dark to see any animal beside the elephants that gave us a nice show of them using the restroom. Yuck!

The company fed all the families that came. They had a great turn out! I was thankful for this since a bottle of water is $4 at the zoo!!! Talk about marking things up. I think we’d all have to pass out from dehydration before I would pay those prices. They also had face painters/arm painters. Samantha and Dustin both got their faces painted. Samantha got a lovely flower arrangement. Dustin got a blue shark that ended mostly on Sydnee’s shirt as she tried to save him from jumping off a retaining wall. By the end of the evening, he looked like a Smurf.

I will have to say that Dustin had the best time of everyone. When we first entered the zoo, they gave us three maps. Dustin had to have one. He studied it for the first 10 minutes of being there. He decided he would be our personal tour guide. As we walked around, he led the way, holding his map. He really thought this was the greatest thing. Being the fifth kid, you’re never really ever in charge, so this feeling of power was exciting for him.

They also had a DJ playing music. Dustin wowed the crowd with his dance moves, and flipping on to his back. They also had hula hoops. The kids were like vultures with those things. If yours got away, you could be certain another kid was there to swoop in and grab it.

Samantha really wanted to visit the reptile room. Saydee was not so keen on this since reading Lemony Snickets Reptile Room. ha. The reptile room was cool, literally. It had AC! 8 pm in most places would warrant nice, cool weather. Not in Texas, it was still 88 degrees and humid! We had fun trying to see who could find the lizards first in the cages. They blend in pretty well. The snakes were amazing, and still a little terrifying behind that glass. Colton kept trying to climb on the displays to see them more closely. He was fascinated.

We took some pictures, but it was so dark, it was hard to get anything good. We, of course, had to stop by the gift shop on the way out. The birthday boy chose a new stuffed tiger that he took to bed with him last night. He wasn’t a huge fan of the zoo. I think he really just wanted to be home building his new Lego sets.

I can’t believe William is 8! We took him to the Lego store earlier in the day. The girls had pooled the money and bought him a gift card. I’m pretty sure that was his favorite thing of the day. It was a great day!