Kid #5, AKA Dustin, lost his first tooth this weekend. Losing teeth is such a gross thing, and yet it’s such a celebrated thing. Dustin has been wanting to lose a tooth for ever! I think watching his older siblings lose theirs, he wanted in on the action too.

It’s hard to believe that I only have one more kid to lose their first tooth. These milestones are happening so quickly. Before I know it, the tooth fairy will no longer need to visit our house. For as weird and gross as this whole tooth losing business is, I plan to enjoy it.
Now, let’s talk about me as a tooth fairy. I stink! LOL I’m not sure how many time our tooth fairy has forgotten and had to sneak upstairs during breakfast. Thankfully, I have some assistant tooth fairies now that can help.
A few years back, my mother in law made the kids some adorable tooth fairy door hangers. These have been such a life saver. There’s no way I’d be able to find a tooth under a pillow in the dark. God bless those that do.

How does the tooth fairy work at your house?