Today you turn 8! I can’t believe it’s been 8 years since I first held your squishy body in my arms. You squished. You were my first baby to feel squishy. Until you came, my other babies had been born with little body fat, but you son, you were squishy, all 7 lbs 8 oz of your sweet self.
Before you, I never thought I could love a son like I loved your sisters. I never dreamed how wonderful having a son would be. I was scared. I knew what to do with girls, but not with boys. Would I play dinosaurs right? Would my soccer skills measure up? It was all so uncertain.
You changed all that fear, when you entered my world. I never expected how my world would change having a son. It took 40 minutes to push out your giant head, but you were worth it. It was 10 hours of labor, 4 hard hours, but you were worth it. I yelled at you and tried to will you out, you took your time, but you were worth it.
The first time they placed you in my arms, I fell instantly in love. You were the son I never knew I needed, I wanted. You were perfect. You have been a dream since day one. I’ve never known someone that can melt my heart the way you do, besides your daddy. <3 I am so thankful for the gift that you are.
I wish you the happiest birthday, William. I will remember our first meeting forever. I am so glad that God saw fit to make me your mama. I feel blessed beyond measure. I love you, son.

Uncle Steve and aunt Saundra are so glad to have you as our nephew and we love you so much. Happy Birthday William!!!!! You are so blessed to have such a great mommy, daddy, sisters and brothers. What a beautiful family you are a part of. I love you buddy.
Your Uncle Steve