How old are you? 7 and a half, but I’m almost 8. Just say I’m 8 for now. It’s almost my birthday.
What do you like to do for fun? I like to play video games and play with LEGOS. My favorite video game is The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, and Marvel Strike Forces. I like building LEGO sets, but I really like building things on my own. I hope to one day get to build the robot that is for ages 8+ and the Millennium Falcon.
What do you like best about school? Good question. I like spelling. I like spelling because it has the least amount of pages. Math and history have a lot of pages, but spelling doesn’t have a lot.
What do you like to play with your brothers? I like to play Star Wars. We like to sword fight with our light sabers. We love to wrestle, but I’ve broken my glasses twice wrestling.
What’s your favorite movie? There are so many good movies. My favorite movie is Bumblebee. Daddy just let me watch it last night for free screen time. I like when they dramatically flip around (insert some boy noises) and survive. The boss had a car fall on his tummy and he survived. I don’t know how he did that. He didn’t even need to go to the hospital or anything! That was cool, huh mom?
Tell me something you don’t like. I don’t like that Mommy set a timer on the Nintendo Switch so I can’t play as much as I’d like.
If you have any other questions for William, drop them in the comments below.