How old are you? 10, double digits, woohoo!
Who is your best friend? Bettie, Avery, Maya, Lyla, Sydnee, Samantha, Mommy, Daddy and myself. I really like myself. I’m good company.
What’s your favorite color? Blue and purple, to be specific, ocean blue.
What are your hobbies? I like gymnastics, dancing, tumbling, reading, eating and napping. Gymnastics and dance are definitely my favorite though.
How old were you when you started gymnastics? 5. I started in kinder gym with Coach Kaitlyn, and then moved up to pre team with Coach Ana. I started team when I was 7. Coach Charlee was my coach. She’s my favorite. Now I’m with Coach Jason. He’s tough, but he’s the best.
What is it about gymnastics that you like so much? I’d have to say tumbling. Tumbling is so fun. I love to flip and use my arms as legs, which is probably why my shoulder has been giving me trouble for the last few months.
What grade are you in and what’s your favorite subject? I’m in 5th grade. My favorite subjects are English and Math. My least favorite is definitely history.
What do you like to do when you’re bored? I like to crochet, do crafts, cook, eat, dance, sing and jump on the trampoline. I taught myself to crochet by watching Youtube.
What else do you want our readers to know about you? I like to wear neon colored socks. I call them neon awesome. I don’t do ball sports. I can’t catch. Please don’t throw things at me. I enjoy word puzzles, and am really good at spelling. I went to the regional spelling bee when I was 7.
Is there anything else you want to know about the hungry, crocheting gymnast? Post your questions in the comments below.