How old are you? 12
What do you like to do for fun? I like gymnastics, crafting, acting and playing with my siblings. I’m a platinum level excel gymnast. My favorite event is bars. Last year I was the state bar champion and sixth in the region. I love DIY crafts.
What do you like best about school? Math. I’m in the advanced course this year. I really enjoy solving problems.
How do you like being the oldest sibling? I enjoying being the second mom to my siblings. I take great responsibility knowing that they look up to me. In being the oldest, I enjoy getting to make up fun games and activities for them to all do.
What do you want to be when you grow up? I’d really like to be a speech language pathologist. I’ve always wanted to work with children, and I think it would be enjoyable to watch children who are struggling. I’ve enjoyed helping Colton with his speech homework and love when we all cheer him on as he progresses in his speech.
Would you rather be inside or outside and why? Outside. I love all creatures. One of my favorite things is hunting for lizards and frogs. I’ve always enjoyed being outside. I especially love setting up water days for my siblings outside when it’s hot. We love taking water balloons in the trampoline and turning the hose on it.
If you’re watching something on Youtube, what is it? DIY crafts. I love watching them and then putting my own spin on them.
If you have anymore questions for Samantha, drop them in the comments below.

Samantha, I love this blog. It’s fantastic to see you share what brings you joy. I learned something new about your passion for speech. Thanks for sharing and for helping your mom and dad with your brothers and sisters. So special.