I’m going to preface this post by letting you know that Colton is speech delayed. After two years of trying to convince my pediatrician that something was not right with his speech development, and being told that he was that way because he was a sixth child, I finally got a doctor to take my concerns seriously. We found out in March that Colton could not hear due to severe fluid build up in his ears. He had tubes put in to drain the fluid, and has been working with a speech therapist ever since. Before the tubes, he completely failed his hearing test. Two weeks after tubes, he passed with flying colors. I’ll never forget the day he had them put in, he was eating a chip and kept looking around like what is that noise. He’s slowly learning to speak, but is still behind. We are going to have to help him with his questions…
How old are you? “I r is r” I wasn’t sure what he was saying, but thanks to a great interpreter, Sydnee, he said, “I’m four years old.”
Do you like school (he’s recently started pre-k)? “Yech, I eat my food.”
What’s your favorite song? Baby Shark
Colton is not really into these questions. He loves to play with his brothers, sing, play video games, watch Mickey Mouse, eat, and go to the swimming pool. We look forward to his speech catching up, then maybe we can try this post again.
If you have any questions for Colton, or any questions about hearing difficulties, speech delay or speech therapy, drop them in the comments below.

Colton after hearing that I cant stop but think that you are a !!SUPERSTAR!!
P.S Your so cute!