“Popcorn is prepared in the same pot, in the same oil, at the same temperature, and yet, the kernels do not all pop at the same time. So it is with children, don’t compare, their turn to pop is coming.” -Unknown
This statement is so true, yet it’s so hard not to compare our children with other children, or even among their own siblings. I’ve shared before that I’ve had children learn to read as early as 3.5 and others as late as 6. I have a child that went to the regional spelling be at 7 years old, and I have children that still struggle to spell. I have children that learned to talk very early, and one who still struggles to communicate. I have kids that can learn a concept just by hearing it, I have others that need to feel, see, test, and study in order to learn. No two kids are the same. So how do we keep ourselves from comparing?
We need to see the child as an individual. Grade them against themselves. We need to look for the victories in each individual child. What makes them work? What makes them proud? Find what works with each child and build on that. Let them know you see their progress. You see they are trying. You see them. Believe in them. When their turn comes to “pop”, celebrate them. Don’t be so busy admiring the other “popcorn” that you miss their turn.